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Inflatable Pipe Balloons

We're excited to showcase our inflatable duct cushions, inflatable pipe balloons, and industrial void blocking balloons, which are custom designed and made to perform temporary duct or void blocking operations. These versatile plugging products can be used for various applications, including boilers, gas turbines with HRSG stack dampers, coal-fired power plants, mine shafts and vents, as well as louver damper failure in SCR applications.

Our inflatable duct balloons and pipe balloons offer a range of benefits for industrial use, including:

• Blocking air and fume ducts in coal or gas-fired power plant systems

• Replacing conventional timber and plastic barriers for duct blocking

• Temporarily sealing ducts in SCR's for louvre damper replacement

• Placing in front of the inlet guide vanes on simple or combined cycle gas turbine plants

• Placing inside the exhaust stack of turbine plants with HRSG's to reduce drafts

• Using in replacement operations for stack dampers

• Placing inside of furnaces to prevent refractory product falling during heat exchanger maintenance

• Blocking tunnels during drilling to reduce dust contamination

Our state-of-the-art inflatable pipe balloons and other inflatable blocking and isolation products are customized to meet your specific needs. To learn more, contact our expert team today. Speak to one of our industry professionals by calling us on  +91 94296 13531 or sending us an enquiry at sales@giantinflatables.in. Our team will be able to help with any further information or specialized quotations. Choose Giant Inflatables for innovative and effective solutions for your industrial needs.

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